
Thank You For Your Interest In Applying for the

CTM Training Course Scholarship

A limited number of scholarships are available each year. Scholarships are awarded on a case-by-case basis after careful review from the ClinEssentials Team.

Please complete the following CTM Training Course Scholarship Submission Form. All fields are requried, unless otherwise noted.

Are you applying for a Full or Partial Scholarship?

Which CTM Training Course would you like to take?

Where did you first hear about the CTM Training Course and/or ClinEssentials?

If you are awarded a scholarship, can you commit to attending at least 3 of the 5 LIVE training sessions* (typically on Wednesdays from 7-9:30 pm ET)?

If you are awarded a scholarship, are you willing to provide a video testimonial** after completing the course?

*Attending LIVE sessions is highly encouraged but not required for a scholarship.
**A video testimonial is not a requirement for a scholarship.

You will receive a response via email within one week of submitting this form. If you have any questions, please email us at ctmcourse@clinessentials.com.

You can find information about payment plans and how to apply for financing through SoFi for the All Access + LIVE CTM Training Course here.


Thank you!